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Promoting Green Jobs in Ghana

Name of the intervention: Promoting Green Jobs in Ghana
Location: Ghana
Partner: Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of Ghana
Year: 2021

Output Area 1


The government of Ghana, through the MELR, has developed a National Green Jobs Strategy Implementation Plan (2021-2025) aimed at facilitating a just transition to an environmentally sustainable economy through the promotion of green jobs. In this regard, the ICR Facility provided assistance to conduct an interactive stakeholder mapping and organise inclusive consultation sessions involving the public and private sectors. Along the lines of five priority sectors identified as having potential for promoting green jobs, five separate consultation sessions were organised. Additionally, a sub-national PPD session was set to round-up the dialogue process on the strategy. The outcome was incorporated into a business environment analysis report on the green job sector in Ghana which analyses the regulatory, institutional, administrative and behavioural constraints that have to be overcome for a smooth and sustainable implementation of the strategy.​


The ICR Facility supported the Ghanaian Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) in conducting an inclusive public-private dialogue (PPD) for the successful implementation of the ‘Ghana National Green Jobs Strategy’ contributing to a more sustainable business environment.​


This intervention paved the way for the national green jobs strategy to be finalised and implemented with input from the public and private sector agencies whose sectors will be impacted by the strategy. It also provided a clear picture of the current business environment of green jobs, identifying the points that need more focus and recommendations to boost implementation further. The intervention’s PPD sessions also helped the Ministry to identify and meet for the first time several private sector actors related to green works. This meetings served as a test-drive for a  dialogue process planned to be continued on the promotion of green jobs in the country.

Further Information and Links:

Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of Ghana 

SNV GrEEn Boosting Green Employment and Enterprise Opportunities in Ghana 

GIZ Special Initiative Job Programme

Project deliverables:

Technical Assistance Factsheet

Analysis of Business Environment for Green Jobs in Ghana

Ghana Green Job Strategy Stakeholder Mapping