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European Union (EU), the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the British Council (22,750 M€)


Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), British Council (BC), Expertise France (EF), Stichting Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie (Netherlands Development Organisation, SNV)


12.2019 – 08.2025

What do we do? 

We support organisations in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to create better conditions for businesses to thrive and for women’s economic empowerment and inclusion. Fostering a more favourable and gender-sensitive business environment will enable local and international businesses to generate opportunities, especially for women and youth, and boost the economic growth and sustainable development at large. More information on our interventions

Why do we do it? 

We believe that tailor-made economic reforms based on public-private dialogue help creating a better business environment. We work with our partners to remove barriers and support an enabling environment for women ́s full participation in the economy.


Who do we support? 

The assistance of the ICR Facility is demand-based and tailor-made. Regional/ sub-regional bodies, national governments, sectoral institutions, public-private dialogue mechanisms, development finance institutions (DFIs), private sector associations or other non-state actors engaged in improving the business environment, are welcome to hand in their support requests. The ICR Facility responds to multinational, national and subnational applications. More information how to hand in a request.

How do we do it? 

We offer easy access to fully-funded expertise, in the form of trainings, advisory services, analyses, reports and research, to improve business environment, so that public and private stakeholdersin ACP countries can overcome barriers and create better conditions for businesses to thrive. We assist our partners with reforming policies, laws and regulations, in particular gen-der-sensitive reforms, that hinder entrepreneurship in ACP countries, and we help them design and implement the necessary changes. More information on our offer. 

Need more information?
Please find our factsheet here.